How to be Horde

We were talking yesterday about what it means to be Horde (and indeed, if it means anything at all). So in the spirit of the recently announced paid faction changes, here’s a list of things to do in game if you want to feel like a real old school Hordeling.

(Feel free to add more suggestions, I’ll add them to the list with an attribution.)

  1. Find Mankrik’s wife.
  2. Kill Ragnaros or Onyxia with no paladins in the raid.
  3. Kill someone with a pumpkin.
  4. Fall off Thunder Bluff.
  5. Fall off the lift in the Undercity.
  6. Fall off the Great Lift in the Barrens (you’ll notice a running theme here).
  7. Visit every Horde settlement. Including the hidden troll one in Stonetalon.
  8. Win three battlegrounds in a row, in PUGs. (Linedan notes that this depends on your battlegroup.)
  9. Get killed by a Son of Arugal in Silverpine
  10. Run from Hammerfall to Kargath
  11. Listen to Sylvanas sing (the blues)
  12. Defend The Crossroads from Alliance attack
  13. Don’t fall off the Aldor tier or the lift in Warsong Hold (by the time you get to those places, you should have enough experience to know better)
  14. Do the Mag’har quest chain in Hellfire Peninsula.
  15. Do the Greatmother chain in Nagrand.
  16. Get the For the Horde! achievement by joining a raid to kill all the alliance leaders.
  17. See Wrathgate from the Horde perspective. (Wonder if this will be possible for anyone who does a paid faction change, they’ll have to sort out the phasing.)
  18. (or 17a) At the Wrath Gate, realise that the blight that is raining down on people’s heads is the same thing you have been helping the Royal Apothecary Society to make *since you were level five* (Temitope)
  19. Rescue lots of foolish tauren princesses (moocows may be cute but they’re always the ones who get themselves kidnapped when there’s an escort quest to do -– I think the alliance equivalent is night elf women)
  20. Mock blood elves and/or paladins in trade chat. Bonus marks if you are playing one at the time.
  21. If you are Tauren, get stuck in a doorway somewhere. If not, then get stuck behind a Tauren.
  22. Get your free fishing rod from the Horde-only quest in the Hinterlands.
  23. Noticing that when the quest involves killing humanoids who are not explicitly alliance, they are usually trolls or fel orcs or grimtotem clan tauren, but never “blood gnomes” or “fel elves”. (Gevlon)
  24. If you’re a hunter, tame a Horde-only tamable creature like Echeyakee. (Tesh)
  25. If you’re orc, troll, or Tauren, being Horde means that you can make it 30 or 40 levels before ever seeing a proper inn, or even a chair. (Linedan)
  26. Unleash the Necromancer in Southshore graveyard to go on a rampage of destruction (Stabs)
  27. Smugly watch Alliance try to invade Tarren Mill, only to then become overwhelmed by the zerg-like spawn of your deathguards. That’ll teach ‘em! (Jennifer)
  28. Let’s not forget falling off the lift in Warsong Hold… or falling off the cliff near Bloodvenom Post (Sharon)
  29. Accidentally crossing the Bulwark as a lvl 10 and lower, because you’re curious what’s on the other side. (Tim)
  30. Find Rexxar somewhere in Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace and Feralas while doing your Onyxia chain. (Bethryn)

There’s a lot of very good Horde-flavoured quest content in Northrend also, so it’s hard to pick out any specific questlines. The Conquest Hold (in Grizzly Hills) and Vengeance Landing quests are particularly good in this respect.

One thing I  noticed after writing this list out is how strong the faction flavour really is in the new expansion. (I’m quite looking forwards to checking out the Alliance side.) And the other is how much I think that specific quests are important to the storytelling — even though the real core of the experience is having spent time mixing with the rest of the Horde through however many levels and knowing all the familiar names, guilds, and chatter.

25 thoughts on “How to be Horde

  1. Hm… I never realized this idea about putting lifts everywhere comes from the horde side. All those silly deaths in Shatt and Zangar … we know who’s to blame now. You practiced the art of lift running while levelling. And then you enjoyed to see the shortcomings of the alliance in Outlands. Admit it!

  2. I once played a male blood elf Paladin. After a while you just cannot watch their arse jiggle while running anymore without feeling at least somewhat disturbed… 🙂

    BTW, do people actually still invade Crossroads? This is almost a historical note, as open world pvp is a rare occasion of 1-vs-1 engagements nowadays. I often mention it, I was amazed how much fighting I did in Wintergrasp outside the official matches just to get the ore there!

    I never ever had so much open world pvp as during levelling up my first char in Stranglethorn and at 60 in Hillsbrad Foothills, pre-BGs.

  3. # Fall off Thunder Bluff. -> Check
    # Fall off the lift in the Undercity. -> Check
    # Fall off the Great Lift in the Barrens (you’ll notice a running theme here). -> Check

    Did that all with my Alliance char, while raiding capitals 🙂
    But I heard from different people that the Horde only quests in Nagrand are supposed to be really cool.

  4. Might I suggest “At the Wrath Gate, realise that the blight that is raining down on people’s heads is the same thing you have been helping the Royal Apothecary Society to make *since you were level five*”

  5. +1: Noticing that when the quest involves killing humanoids who are not explicitly alliance, they are usually tolls or fel orcs or grimtotem clan tauren, but never “blood gnomes” or “fel elves”.

    • There are dark iron dwarves and leper gnomes but you’re right, night elves and draenei aren’t ‘allowed’ to have evil subfactions for some reason.

      You could argue that humans make up for this by enthusiastically embracing every single evil cult in the game 🙂 (Scarlet Crusade, Defias, Twilight Cultist, Cult of the Damned, probably loads of other evil human organisations that I’ve missed, etc.)

      • There are actually evil night elves and evil draenai both. More than one each, even.

        – Satyrs
        – Naga
        – Broken
        – Eredar

        the list could go on

  6. There’s also the Horde only Hunter trainable critters like the white lion in the Barrens. Eechaya or something like that. Yes, Alliance can get them with some wrangling, but it’s much easier as Horde.

    • Ah, right. Thanks for getting the name and link for that critter. I’ve not played a Horde Hunter, but he’d be one cat that I’d make it a point to collect.

      The original reason I played a Tauren years ago was because I wanted a Shaman, and they seemed to be the best race for it. (Shamans are so much cooler than the then-Alliance exclusive Paladin.) If I were to start Horde today… I’d make a Tauren Druid and an Orc Hunter. And go get Echeyakee. 🙂

  7. I think Blizzard made a big mistake by allowing people to choose either Aldor or Scryer in BC.
    Aldor should have been Alliance, and Scryer should have been Horde.

    My Lore knowledge is not that great, but off the top of my head I can point out the following:

    The evil Night Elf faction could be the Naga, as the Naga are corrupted Nightr Elves, and the evil Draenei are the Eredar or demons of the Legion.

    In BC, Magtheridon’s blood was being used to create Fel Orcs from normal Orcs. Presumably if they had injected Elves instead, they would have become Fel Elves.

    There won’t be any Blood Gnomes; the Blood title was given to those Elves who followed Kaelthas to Outlands; they are in fact High Elves.

  8. In my battlegroup, proving you’re Horde means losing 15 AVs in a row. Yeah, right, Blizz, it’s perfectly balanced.

    If you’re orc, troll, or Tauren, being Horde means that you can make it 30 or 40 levels before ever seeing a proper inn, or even a chair. It’s a long-running Feathermoon joke (back when we were 3:1 Alliance, before blood elves caused a flood of Pretty People to even things up) that being “Hordecore” means you never have to sit in these strange and alien “chair” things that the Alliance have invented.

  9. Unleash the Necromancer in Southshore graveyard to go on a rampage of destruction (well get owned by the first guard he meets but hey still cool).

      • Back in 2005, before the Southshore guards were seriously buffed, Helcular was serious business. More than once, somebody with the rod would get over into the Southshore graveyard and pop Helcular and it would turn the tide of a PvP battle. Nowadays, it’s pretty much impossible for a level-appropriate Hordie doing that quest to even get TO the Southshore graveyard before they agro a level 65 guard and eat an instant beatdown.

  10. Smugly watch Alliance try to invade Tarren Mill, only to then become overwhelmed by the zerg-like spawn of your deathguards. That’ll teach ’em!

  11. Let’s not forget falling off the lift in Warsong Hold… or falling off the cliff near Bloodvenom Post… or maybe that’s just me. I tend to autorun a lot. 😉

    I recently got my alliance shaman into Northrend, looking forward to checking out the ally side after leveling four characters to 80 on the horde side. So far, I’ve actually been really disappointed. There seems to be tons of silly quests (usually involving gnomes) where you have to do things like “find Tiddlywinks and tell him where he left his wrench” or whatever. (I’m paraphrasing.) There don’t seem to be as many serious, lore-oriented quests as there are on the horde side. There’s no Saurfang and Hellscream in Warsong hold type conversations.

    I’m hoping that once I get deeper into Northrend on the ally side, more of the lore starts to come through.

  12. The thing that struck me about number 23 is how many freaking trolls you kill. It’s like more than 4 trolls can’t stand in one place without a horde of PC’s bearing down on them looking for ten troll ears. Every single major troll city is an instance.

    Actually, the worst example of that is probably Zul’Farrak. Which you attack and slaughter the population of for no actual concievable reason.

  13. Accidentally crossing the Bulwark as a lvl 10 and lower, because you’re curious what’s on the other side.

    Being one-shotted by a stupid bear that’s 40 levels higher is mostly the result.

  14. Pingback: How to be Alliance « Adventures of a Priest

  15. It’s too bad Rexxar hasn’t been in Azeroth for 2+ years now. 🙂

    Alliance get some decent lore quests as you move into Northrend, especially in Dragonblight. Though it amuses the crap out of me that the great “Ashbringer” is in a throwaway quest about 5 minutes inside of Howling Fjorn. Legendary my ass.

  16. +1: do the Thrall-storyline-endquest of the maghar

    falling of every goddamn elevator in horde cities…not able to pass UC doors on my troll:(

  17. Pingback: A holiday, a holiday, the first one of the year! Best of 2009. « Welcome to Spinksville!

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