Travels in EQ2

I have been playing EQ2 for the last month; much of it has been spent duoing with Arbitrary (we had weekly sessions) but she’s been on holiday for the last fortnight so we agreed I’d strike out on my own. It will be quick enough for her to catch up using the mentoring facility later, if she decides to keep playing.

There’s been a lot of chat about EQ2 on blogs last week, particularly centering on Wolfshead’s critical analysis of the first 15 minutes of the game.

Tipa wrote a rebuttal, Stropp also has some comments on the piece. Wolfshead responded with a re-rebuttal (but he’s going to keep playing EQ2 and make it his pet project anyway), Pete@Dragonchasers has some comments also, and so does Ysharros – who has been our generous and long suffering EQ2 guru goddess.

One thing that is very clear to me is that you only get a chance to have a first impression of a game once. I am quite sure that if I started another character now I’d find the experience much smoother than I did the first time round – this is particularly true in EQ2 but probably applies to every other MMO also.

So I find Wolfshead’s posts intriguing because I share his frustration at how pointlessly impenetrable this game sometimes seems. Too many moments which leave me thinking ‘Well how was I supposed to know THAT?’. And like him, I’ve also just resubscribed. It is reasonable to ask why I’d pay to torture myself like that –- I’m hoping to answer that by the end of this post! Short version: There’s something very unique about the EQ2 game experience, I don’t yet know if I’m in for the longterm but I know I’m not yet done with it.

The first 15 minutes

I’m basically in agreement with Wolfshead on this one. I’m not going to complain (much) about the loading screen because at least it isn’t as bad as Warhammer’s endless splashscreens and EULAs. On the other hand, it does prominently display the ESRB logo (like, takes up a third of the screen) – I’d have more sympathy if ESRB wasn’t a purely US organisation. If you want to start out by blatting out some text about an organisation I’ve never heard of that is irrelevant to me then feel free, I guess.

Character creation is a slow, multistep process. First you pick a race and customise how your character looks with lots of sliders for features, hair (all the hairstyles have their own bizarre names), skin colour, etc. Then you pick a class. Then you select your starting zone. Then you decide on a name. And finally you pick a server. So if you get to the end of this process and realise that your race/class choice means you can’t start in the same zone as your friend, you have to go back and start all over again.

Compare this with WoW which lets you pick the server first, do all those other things on the same screen and doesn’t give you a choice of starting area anyway (that is not necessarily a bonus).

Also in EQ2 the evil guys have a bonus starting zone. Good can choose from Qeynos, the original starting zone from 4 years ago, and Kelethin, the fae zone. Evil gets to choose from the original zone, a dark elf based zone, and the new dragon-person zone. This only becomes a problem when you realise that neutral races may be of good faction but are not allowed to start in Kelethin. This could have been made clearer on the racial choice screen, would have saved us some time at least.

Neither WoW nor EQ2 make it easy to get from one starting zone to another if you don’t know the game. This is something we don’t see so much in newer games. LOTRO provides quick cheap travel between starting zones, for example. In any case, it is quite important to coordinate races/ classes/ faction if you want to start playing with a friend.

Faydwer or bust

I’ve very much liked the fae and their starting zone. The character models and wings are pretty, and they look good in their newbie gear. The starter area features many annoying NPCs, and the usual sorts of quests, with at least one cave full of mobs that we found quite challenging.

After that, you escape into the wider world of Greater Faydark, a pretty forest zone with a river running through it. The fae city of Kelethin, built on treetop platforms, is the main point of interest. Although the city was initially confusing to navigate, with time and practice we got the hang of it quite well. It’s like a mini-metaphor for the game itself. It’s a pretty place and the introductory questline soon has you exploring, killing things, collecting items, and getting very lost in the process. We wound up with a little instanced boss fight.

After that, the sense is that you’re back to questing as usual. The zone is laid out with quest hubs. They follow the pattern of sending you out multiple times to the same area to kill similar but slightly different mobs. In other words – once you are past the cool starting quests, they don’t put in so much effort into entertaining the player. Some people might say that it means they aren’t holding you by the hand so much. And this is true, the experience is less guided.

I don’t find it as fun as WoW questing. Quests that tell a coherent story with a variety of things to do and see are just more fun than going back 17 times to the orc area to kill slightly harder orcs on each outing. (I may be exaggerating but I swear it isn’t by much.) But it’s not as bad as it sounds either. The orcs actually do get tougher and have different abilities, some come in groups, other patrol, and so on. So you do have to think a bit about how to kill them, whether you want to suicide to kill one out of a group of three so that there will only be two of them when you run back.

So oddly enough, in its old fashioned questy way, EQ2 does deliver the gameplay. And it does it much better than LOTRO’s take on the same design. I got way more bored of killing wolves in the Lone Lands than I have of killing orcs in Faydark – and part of this is because there are so many other things to do nearby if I get bored of orcs and want a break.

Zone Design

One of the really intriguing things about EQ2 is how varied it can be. I’ve only seen a few zones – starting zones, zones I accidentally zoned into while exploring, the festival zone that’s available this week, but I feel already that figuring out how to navigate the terrain is part of the design here.

If you look at Northrend, there are neatly labelled roads leading everywhere and if you want to take a shortcut you can probably see fairly easily where to go. The zones I’ve seen in EQ2 haven’t been laid out in quite that way. Although there are paths in the Faydark, often I’ve wanted to cut across country and had to figure out how to use the terrain to make this easier. There are bridges, ladders, trees to climb, and cliffs to jump off.

Although zones probably still consist of neatly laid out patches of quest mobs, they don’t seem so obvious. And I know that although exploring has been frustrating at times, it’s also quite fun for me to figure my way around.

Baby’s first addon

I wasn’t planning on using addons for EQ2, I wanted the raw experience. But when I couldn’t remember where my questgiver was, I figured I needed a good mapping addon. I don’t mind if games want to make the location of the quest OBJECT obscure – exploring is fun – but I don’t really want to have to run twice round the zone because I didn’t make a note of where I got a quest from and have a bad memory.

Again, this is something where WoW has the same issues but more recent games really shine. LOTRO and Aion, for example, give good records of where quests came from in their quest logs.

Anyhow, enter EQ2Map. It was very easy to install and does the job fine, it has records of where all the various mobs and NPCs in a zone are and lets you search for them. And from having too little information on my map, I now have too much. I’m trying to use the map responsibly and only check locations when I really can’t remember them.

Using the channels

This is going to be a great example of where EQ2 doesn’t give out its secrets without a fight. There is a general advice channel called level_1-9 that all new players are on. I had assumed this was mostly for players of levels 1-9 but when I hit level 10 I wasn’t able to find a level_10-19 channel, so who knows?

I also see people using the 1-9 channel to look for high level groups. This leads me to suspect three possibilities:

  1. Players assume that anyone of levels 1-9 is probably an alt of a high level player
  2. This has become the general channel, whether that was originally intended or not
  3. No one else can figure out how the other channels work either

Seriously I was unable to find any reference to channels in the in-game help. I also wonder if the LFG functionality is really really bad in EQ2. I have no idea whether or not it is, because I haven’t found that either.

Class Design and Combat

I’m not a huge fan of EQ2 class design. Certainly as a new player, there seem to be lots of classes doing roughly similar things. I can see how the casters are vaguely different from each other but I see many many support classes with a variety of buffs. And no way to know at the start how they actually differ.

I think this is because of the original design that let people start with a base class and then specialise. If they made it a bit clearer on the class choice screen what the base role was, and how the subclasses fitted in, it might make more sense. I’m still not clear on how a fury is different from a shaman though (how many healers with buffs does a game really need?)

If you are a buffing class, expect to have an unfeasible amount of buffs. I think the general idea is to let players choose which buffs they want to spend their concentration on. In practice, it’s just annoying. Especially when you die and have to cast all of them again. I swear I can’t remember what all mine do without mousing over them and waiting a couple of seconds for the game to throw up a tooltip.

My Dirge is basically a scout/ rogue type with some support abilities. So it can stealth, dual wield, and use positional attacks, and it has a lot of buffs. (Did I mention that there are loads of buffs in this game yet?) For crowd control, I have a snare, and that’s it so far. The trouble is, buffs aren’t very interesting. You cast them once and then play as if they weren’t there. I’m assuming I get more abilities as I level though.

Certainly I’ve had to use 3 quickbars so far and it feels a bit overwhelming. Despite that, combat is pretty straight forwards. Use your combat abilities in whatever order best suits (some do chain, like a positional attack after a stun, but most don’t). Then autoattack while you wait for the cooldowns to come up again. My attacks do use mana so there’s an element of mana-management also.

What I’m not so sure of is whether other classes have vastly different mechanics or not. You can compare with WoW or WAR to see that each class plays quite differently, they each have their signature mechanic. I don’t get that feel so much yet with EQ2. It’s always ‘use abilities, wait for cooldowns’.

So I’m not finding combat very exciting. I don’t really have abilities which work better on different mobs, and only one positional attack. One thing you do get though is that every class has a ranged attack, even if it’s just being able to use a bow to pull.

As well as xp, you can also get achievement points from completing quests, exploring, and so on. After around level 9ish (I think) you can start to spend these on achievement abilities. It’s not TOO hard to figure out which of these is most useful and I think you can respec them later anyway. But it is an added complexity that is unavoidable – by that what I mean is that if you wanted a casual game where you didn’t want to have to worry about talent specs, this probably isn’t it.

I hadn’t wanted to spend much time poking around on bboards for talent builds in this game, I do enough of that in WoW. But the official boards are reasonably well organised and will probably throw up some useful stickies about AAs on the class boards.

I make my first million

Collections are another big part of the game. It’s very simple. You see a glowy thing. You pick it up. You examine it. Hurrah, you can add it to your collection, which also gets it out of your bag (another huge hurrah to that). If you complete a collection you can hand it in to a collections NPC for xp and probably achievement points too.

But the really great thing about collection items is that you can sell them to rich, lazy, high level characters for lots of cash. OK, amount of cash varies but they do sell well. Other things that sell are rare crafting items (when you gather from a node, you have a chance to get a rare item), rare lore items that drop from mobs, and just about anything else. The economy seems fairly active.

Best of all, the current festival features a lot of collecting, and those items made me my first plat. That’s the advantage of a euro-timezone, you can go collect stuff while the yanks are asleep.

The festival is a gnome related tinkering festival (gnomes being engineers/ tinkers seems a really common fantasy meme, not sure where that came from). I saw it was live on the login screen, and when I asked on channel 1-9 I was told that there was a festival area in Kelethin from which I could join in. (Players are generally really friendly in this game, from what I have seen.) So off I went to check this out. I found some gnomy celebrators letting off fireworks – what were they thinking in a city built in trees? – and they also had a portal to their tinkering hometown. I went, I explored, I collected, I bought some crazy tinker gadgets for my one-acorn house, it was fun!

My house actually now reminds me of the garage of a guy I used to work with who collected analogue amplifiers and … err… just about anything else. He never had a walking plant called Uncle though, I bet.

So what’s the appeal?

Now here’s the dilemma of EQ2.

It’s not very player friendly and particularly not very newbie friendly. It is very easy to log in and not really have any specific goals. You do notice this in comparison to newer games that make it much easier to decide what you want to accomplish in a session. Fighting solo is not especially exciting. The class design is confusing. You will have too many abilities.

The quest design feels old fashioned. There will be a lot of commuting between your quest hub and their mobs of choice. I don’t honestly know if I can stand 80 levels of it. You will not be pointed towards more interesting content, even if it exists.

Someone was reflecting mournfully on channel 1-9 this morning, ‘Does anyone group for the level 10-30 instances any more?’ I felt a pang of sadness, because I hadn’t even realised that there were any. I’m sure newbies in WoW have exactly the same experience (this is why WoW is the only game you really can compare EQ2 with, they’re so similar in some respects …).

I feel as though I’ve spent a long time in Greater Faydark, even though I know that the WoW starter zones cover similar level ranges. But the difference is that I feel more in control of the pace in EQ2. It is slower (there aren’t cool quests and storylines that take you by the hand and guide you through) but it’s been much easier to break off and do something else for a while or just go and explore.

I feel that EQ2 is more of an adventure. This may just be because I’m a newbie there. But it seems such a mixture of different design ideas and zones, I don’t really know what might be coming next. I do feel more in control of the pace at which I play, again that might be because of being so new to it and also playing solo/duo which always gives you more control.

I don’t know if I’ll make it to high level. But I do know I’m not done here yet.

25 thoughts on “Travels in EQ2

  1. I do not play EQ2, but I loved to look at the maps of EQ2Map. They smell of adventure! 🙂

    Reading you and other players who went back to EQ2 shows that there is a longing for good old MMORPGs besides WoW. Ideally with more allegiances than two big factions who basically do the same thing, but pretend to be at war! :>

    There is potential for a game with a non-human species with a cool background that is not an Elf or small scale human with oversized feet (=Hobbit).

    Hum, maybe they should scrap Free Realms and make EverQuest 3 with the Far Cry Engine!!! (It must be magic, but I love all games using this engine. It is so colorful!)

    It is disappointing that companies seem so hesitant to really go ahead in design and deliver something new one the one hand, and on the other hand also seem to fail to deliver a WoW style DikuMUD that is not WoW. It is not that WoW would not have heavily borrowed design ideas, they even absorbed some prolific EQ gamers as designers.

    I think this could even cause an EQ2 revival, especially as most players have better computers today thant at EQ2 release that are able to handle the engine demands.

    I guess I am going to play Aion regardless how the PvP turns out, I managed to get my non-(yet)-MMO-playing girlfriend interested, she will join in the next but one closed beta event. She found my sorceress to look like her, though I did not do this intentionally.

    P.S.: Make tons of EQ2 screenshots and upload a selection. 🙂

  2. “… because at least it isn’t as bad as Warhammer’s endless splashscreens and EULAs.”

    very off-topic, I know, but did you fire up WAR the last 8 months ?

    • No, I played it for the first six months so you’re right, my memories are likely not the way it is now.

      I do like WAR though, don’t get the wrong idea. But it was a mad amount of splash screens 🙂

  3. As I’ve said on other blogs, the ESRB may be an American institution, but it helps protect us American game developers. Instead of having the government regulate games, the ESRB steps in to show that we don’t need any regulation. So, Jack Thompson, Hillary Clinton, and whoever else wants to make easy career value by screaming, “games are corrupting children!” don’t get any further than they already do. What is a mild irritant to you because you live in a different country gives me a lot of nice protections in my career. You’ll excuse me if I think that’s a fair tradeoff. 🙂

    I also like your thought about EQ2 being more of an adventure. I think that’s one of the reasons you might be a bit underwhelmed by the quests so far, because they’re not there to lead you around by the nose. As you said, there’s a lot of other things you can do in the game if you get tired of being told to go punch walking bags of xp for a reward. I find that more interesting, but definitely less “newbie friendly” than WoW or other games.

    • “As you said, there’s a lot of other things you can do in the game if you get tired of being told to go punch walking bags of xp for a reward.”

      I hadn’t thought about it this way, but if you look at it like that, you can see how they got from EQ2 to Free Realms…

      I’m really very neutral to the ESRB, if it makes things easier for you all, I’m happy to have it. But it is like plastering the BBFC (british board of film censors) logo all over DVDs sold in the US.

  4. I had no idea you’d been in game lately, mostly because I forgot to add you as a friend… and because I forgot your names. If it wasn’t sewn on my clothes, I’m pretty sure I’d forget my own. I also suspect I ran past you yesterday or the day before, but when I finally worked out why the name seemed familiar to me (was near Crushbone) and sent a “err, is that you?” tell you were gone, heh.

    Channels. Yeah… Nobody much uses anything but 1-9 (which has indeed become the default global channel) and 80. Only channel I actively watch (i.e. not moved to a tab where I don’t have to see it) is the Crafting channel. And then there’s Newbie, Help, , , and a ton of others NOBODY ever speaks in and why should they? EQ2 goes weirdly overboard on some things. 😉 Anyway, to find out more about the weird & wonderful world of channels, right click on a tab name and select chat options.

    Which reminds me that in fact it works very similarly to SWG, and probably works quite a bit like EQ. It’s like they expect you to have played their other games… or they just borrow UI elements from each other (pretty likely I would imagine) and end up making the usual designer assumption: *I* know how it works, so I’m sure everyone else will intuit it too.

    I could go on, but I suspect I should just make my own post instead. 😉

  5. Pingback: EQ2 – ten things, and some more things « Stylish Corpse

  6. Random Observations:
    – I agree that it feels like you need to research a lot to get started properly. You can get to any of the newbie areas relatively quickly if you know how to work the various teleporters, but that’s kind of specialized knowledge because not all bells/carpets/etc connect to each other. The classes offer good depth, but good luck figuring out which one you want from the select screen.

    – You have to click your chat properties and toggle on additional level channels as you earn them. People do indeed use the 1-9 for all-purpose LFG, because it’s the only one that all of everyone’s alts are guaranteed to have access to.

    – If you think the Dirge is bad on the action bars now, wait a few levels. I run with five action bars, and only a few empty slots (saved so I won’t have to go digging in my spellbook when I get new spells). SOE claims they’re going to do something about streamlining the post-death re-buffing procedure at some point.

    Overall, I think you’ve put your finger on a good point with variety. This game is not 100% accessible in ways that may or may not be easily fixed, but it offers enough depth and variety to keep me entertained.

  7. 1-9 and 70-79 are more or less the default “world channels.” 1-9 becuz everyone has access to it, and 70-79 becuz “that where all the non-alts are playing.”

    I was in a 3-guild raiding alliance and we created a chat channel for it, and while I’m no longer in any of those guilds, I still have friends in them and we use that channel to communicate and form groups and such a lot. It’s not hard, really, just “/createchannel ” and then if you want a password then put that after the part. From there it’s just letting people you want in it to join — they type “/join ” and if they need a password, they type it after the channel name.

    I ran the game unmodded except EQ2maps for a couple of years, but once I started raiding I installed the “Profit Reborn” UI mod. I don’t raid anymore, but I still kept the UI. It’s easy to configure and has a lot of useful info right on-screen that you have to dig for a little in the unmodded UI. Not really a big deal, but I find it convenient to have. And when I’m on my healer I love my click to cure buttons. . . .

    I think you’ve hit it spot on about the various classes when you’ve run into things that seem to be remnants of the old “start as a scout, then become a bard, then become a dirge” thing. IMO, on my dirge it makes absolutely no sense to have stealth attacks or positionals, but becuz I’m still a “scout” — yeah, I have them.

    It really is the case that the classes differentiate a lot more as they get higher in level and get more AA’s under their belts, but even with all that, there are still a few “common elements” always left over from the low levels.

  8. Yes, but…


    My least favorite thing about EQ2 is the ‘characters per account’ limit. Your character slots (6? 7? however many you get) are for ALL servers. That irks me to no end.

    Some of the “Yes, but…” stuff comes from us old timers. The “we had to walk barefoot, uphill in the snow” routine, because the game has become a lot more streamlined since launch.

    There’s going to be another ‘good’ starting zone added with the next expansion (Feb ’10), not that that helps much now.

    Did you know:

    /load_uisettings will pop up a window so you can load the settings of another character that has been played on your machine? I set up 1 character’s UI settings, then load that on all my other characters and tweak as needed.

    Did you know that you can ‘Betray’ and end up playing an ‘evil’ race in the ‘good’ cities, and vice versa?

    /browser opens up a rudimentary web browser, in case you don’t want to alt-tab out of the client

    Infocenter is a “UI MOD” that contains tons of useful info that probably should be in the client

    Coming in September (I think) is something called “Auto-Mentoring” (auto as in self, not as in automatic) where you’ll be able to set you level downwards in order to enjoy content you might have passed up. I’m looking forward to that, myself…

    • I agree about the lack of characters per account, but if you are willing to split your characters on different servers, it’s not too hard to avoid it. For one, if you are a US player like I am, you can play on the EU servers, and you get a whole new set of empty character slots there. The same goes for the test server. Agreed, neither of those options is ideal, but if you just want to try out a class, those are good ways to do it without getting rid of any established characters.

  9. Really nice article. I learned a lot about EQ2 reading it. I wish I could write great articles with your frequency 🙂

    Crafting and the crafting channel are one of the bright lights of EQ2 so far. The people are extremely friendly and welcoming. Not so much for the general 1-9 channel.

    As far as the rest, I’m saving it for my next article.

    • I think that 1-9 channel is sort of catch as catch can — some days it’s ok, other days you’d think you were in the Barrens. Which is probably the nature of a quasi-global channel. But crafting really is generally a very nice community channel.

      • Also, I highly recommend /join test.test

        That is the primary common channel of the test server. It is active, with friendly folk happy to answer questions. Trolls get slapped down pretty fast, so you don’t see the barrens chat the way you do in 1-9 (which I invariably end up leaving).

        Actually — there are apparently a lot of cross-server channels used. There is antonia_bayle.bloggers for instance; I know I read of one for casters, but I don’t recall which server hosts it. That’s something I particularly like in fact – you can join channels on other servers (in fact you can join EQ channels from EQ2 and vice-versa), and likewise you can /friend people on other servers and SOE games, and send tells.

      • Oo, cool. Thanks Loredana, I remember now people mentioning that you could chat to people across servers but it hadn’t even occurred to me to wonder how you did that.

  10. By the way I installed EQ2 Map and regret it. My maps have way too much information and none of it is filterable. My maps look like an impressionist painting now rendering them pretty much useless.

    Not sure how to fix this. I uninstalled the program but the maps are still there sadly. I will try to delete them by hand and hopefully the patcher will revert to the original maps.

    Each day I find more reasons to quit EQ2 entirely. It’s quite possibly one of the worst designed MMOs I’ve ever played. Even the original EQ was far easier to comprehend and actually play. Perhaps my tolerance for absurdity has fallen to an all time low.

    Being lost in Kelethin and the newbie area below has utterly depleted my goodwill for this MMO. And now with my maps useless it’s even worse. My frustration with this MMO is now bordering on rage at how they could get away with this.

    I think I’m going to play some FreeRealms. At least I don’t get lost there and can get access to something fun in short order.

    • I know what you mean about the overly busy map – I just felt it was a fair price to pay to be able to find my quest NPCs (I don’t disagree about the general annoyance of it all).

      But as far as being lost in Kelethin goes, I felt that very much when I first entered the zone. We were playing once a week and even then I had to struggle to make myself want to play. It was all a bit too frustrating.

      But what I did find is that if you stick at it, you do eventually figure it out and get more comfortable wandering around the zone. I quite like it now. And there is more of a sense of achievement from knowing how to get from A to B relatively painlessly. I’m not going to claim that it’s good design but perseverence does pay off if you want to put more time in.

      I just hit level 20 on my fae and the game is really starting to hang together for me. I’d suggest trying to get to that sort of level and then reviewing how you feel about it. I don’t think I could have even given it a fair first impression much earlier … because I was just too frustrated with various things.

      • Hey Spinks,

        I’m not in front of the client right now, but there’s a way to filter stuff from EQ2 Maps.

        A little bird is telling me via IM that you can right-click on the map and use “Filter POI” from the pop-up.

        You can also search for an NPC/mob and get a waypoint set that will guide you to your destination, first via rough directions (“North and above you”)in the chat window, and as you get closer via a “wisp” that you can follow (though their wisp technology is kind of clunky, wish they’re retrofit the Free Realms guide into EQ2).

        Apologies if you already knew all this. 🙂

  11. Really enjoyed your article and it sums up a lot of what I feel about the game as well.

    I downloaded the trial recently, but I couldn’t make up my mind on which class to play. The options are just overwhelming, and you know you want to make a good choice up front so you don’t waste a ton of time.

    I was enjoying exploring and not having everything laid out for me. It was refreshing after the WoW model of holding your hand through quests especially with the help of quest mods.

    In the end though I got bored with soloing very quickly. The game suffers from not having enough action in the lower levels. When the Mayong server for EQ came up, I jumped ship to it. If I get burned out on EQ or the server starts to suffer population issues down the road I may give EQ2 another fair shot someday.

  12. I’m a big fan of EQ2. Mostly for reasons Wolfshead describes as comfortable old sweater.

    I really like the music. I love the look with graphics turned up high. I find the crafting totally addictive, it’s wonderful to feel I’m actually making something instead of merely collecting ingredients then clicking Combine. I enjoy the slower pace of combat.

    I love the turn exp off system which when combined with AAs lets you advance your character without outlevelling your friends. You and Arbitrary should consider doing that if one of you wants to play more than the other. From an achiever point of view it is very worth doing because if you get an extra 5 AAs at level 20 those will boost your power all the way to 90 and beyond but you won’t overwhelm your level 20 but less played friend/family member.

    Which server are you guys on?

  13. Pingback: /AFK – August 2 « Bio Break

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